
The pursuit of academic excellence at Ashton College starts from the moment our students begin their learning journey with us in the Foundation Phase where an incredible team of teachers lovingly encourage such young little minds to achieve their very best.

Our curriculum is rich and varied and has been developed to prepare our students for an ever-changing world, while ensuring a happy and joyful school experience. The students are taught traditionally in all subjects keeping tried and tested methods we know work well whilst also keeping up on new cutting edge approaches and being a ‘uniquely different’ school. Ultimately the future belongs to those who are taught to believe in the beauty of their dreams whether these be academic, artistic, sporting or dramatic.

We are blessed with an exceptional team of teachers and sports coaches whose thoughtful planning and time invested in the lives of each and every child is invaluable.

We advocate kindness and Christian values, firmly believing that respect, tolerance and acceptance emanate from it. Based on this foundation, we seek to empower our students to lead a life of significance. The students in the Foundation phase are well-equipped to take on the next phase of their educational journey.

In the words of Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

The future of the world is in our youth and these early happy and secure days at school are critical to the rest of our lives, so it is very important to get a perfect balance, which we certainly aspire to achieve in the Foundation Phase.

Ms Nikki Hamann

Ms Nikki Hamann
Head of Junior College